domingo, 12 de julho de 2009

These, yes. Great fallacy would be if it did not esteem them. The inserted stories in this libreto are of singular nature, since many of them funny and are endowed with great imaginative content. The objectives had taken that me to have the idea to insert stories in this book are to entertain me and to entertain to the reader with a moment of mental rest, something of this species certainly will be cited in the part of “Words of the author”, waits that the stories placed here are pleasant to your imaginations. It has of if alerting the unprepared readers of whom these stories do not possess the objective to so only entertain for the simple delight as well as to bring messages that are interesting to our lines of thoughts presented in elapsing of the chapters, adding, exactly that in indirect way moral values to the sport in question, giving edge to many relative thoughts to the society and to we ourselves. What it makes with that the formation of values contained in this book is integral or holistic, therefore, encloses most colorful and inebriantes stories with solutions of the fantasiosas or extraordinary ideas of, also small incitations that give to outflow the distinct ramifications. What! it is a story? How could be defined after all this? Would be a lie very invented well, a well structuralized lie and in such consisting way that the only thing that would lack was to be a truth accomplishes? Would be the story a description of the truths contained in psique human being? Either the first alternative, the second or two meetings the truth is that a story is always of good advantage, since of it many times we extract something of useful for our lives, either a deep moral truth or an additional word to the vocabulary. The majority of inserted stories in this book is of fantastic character, in many a existencialista philosophy if it impregnates in a hilária and comic history, I judge that this is the best way of if to think on the life, in a comic and funny way we break a daily pay series conceptions, concepts that have times use and exactly certain ideas that have were very judged of definitive and irrefutable text. The great advantage of stories is that we innovate ideas with the delight and pleasure of a descompromissada reading, histories are for many times retractions of an abstract and unreal world where the things most important are the ones that if locate in the mind and not in the external world. The stories also have a strong existencial character, for consequence the question spiritual are very argued. It is irreversible: after in giving to account of the importance of these questions them to them we cannot more relegate as if they were something superfluous, they are simply the important questions most pertinent and to the human being for the fact of that the places of the world are the essence of the cogitações deepest of the man in elapsing of all its trajectory through the time in all. It is just for this reason that I decided to place this subject of central importance in the life of all, despite many times are permeados of a hilariante tram and even of certain comicidade. The stories possess relative advantage with regard to vast romances and infindáveis, for the reason of that it has grane easiness in reading them, not necessarily in it assimilates them, this because exactly that the metric extension either sufficiently limited this does not want to say that the ratio of its small ideological context either, to read a story is not therefore an activity of reading and direct assimilation of what is written senão a fervoroso work of the mind in relating the ideas with abstractions of moral character, scientific and fantasioso of the humanity. When reading he is sufficiently probable that your conscientious deep one continues acting in the questions closer than by the story they had been stirred up, same that you want to desvencilhar yourself of what was read. To read a story is activity of overwhelming ratios, and in this if it finds the importance of literature in your life, mainly of a literature directed toward the essential questions of the man. One is not about vain philosophy, senão of the philosophy, that through a thought dialético, and same of the aesthetic conception in the way with that they are ece of fishes words and situations, it brings to the man the possibility to review all its concepts, and if auto to stir up new perceptions of the external reality and its internal reality.
Pompeo Marques Bonini


STORIES: FIRST STORY: The insane person of the county.
SECOND STORY: Masdar and its adventure.
THIRD STORY: The shade that devastated Bellmonte.
FOURTH STORY: The three sisters.
FIFTH STORY: The curious boy.
SIXTH STORY: A dream, a race.
SEVENTH STORY: Fantastic beings that with luck are born.
EIGHTH STORY: The marketing earned.
NINETH STORY: The stranger that we do not see exists.
TENTH STORY: The metamorphosis of Draj.
TENTH FIRST STORY: The essence of the chaos.
TENTH SECOND STORY: The quandary of Felisberto
TENTH THIRD STORY: The glow of a project.
TENTH ROOM STORY: Solution for two problems: Art and life.
TENTH FIFTH STORY: For each rind a new story.
TENTH SIXTH STORY: The man who decided to look at to its book bookshelf:
TENTH SEVENTH STORY: City of isopor: Revision of the life
TENTH EIGHTH STORY: The speech of the souvenir
TENTH NINETH STORY: The painter of dreams
TWENTIETH STORY: What! it makes the love?
TWENTIETH FIRST STORY: The vision of Izaquiel, the drunk one
TWENTY SECOND STORY: The dream of all artist.
TWENTY THIRD STORY: The love of all the times!
Twenty fourth story: Sigh of desperation
Twenty fifth story: The many clothes of emperor Gasildo
twenty sixth Story: The intuition
TWENTY.FIFTH STORY: Homage to the geniuses
Twenty eighth story: Half embasbacado!
TWENTY.NINTH STORY: The sky of Peter
THIRTIETH STORY: In another planet
Thirty first story: Covered with star nights
Thirty second story: The revenge of Dr. Loc
THIRTY THIRD STORY: Those that they had not known to hear

FIRST STORY - the insane person of the county

The drumms punch with all the beauty imponence at the same time the king went down staircases of a magnificent castle, illuminated for a causticante sun the plebeians were digladiavam to see all to it the pomp of its governing. Clamorous impetuses insuflaram the anger of the king when it noticed that an honor lady felt itself constrangida by a presumption misfortune. - What! it passes with the senhorita? - Inside of âmago of my efervescentes investigations I have many doubts…. - It to the king Said, while this was a refugee for the staircase to helps it, in the same time where all the other abismados ones contemplated them. - I did not understand! It is justified more detidamente please. - My expensive king: It has much time, I I eat discípula of the requintada family of the cut I was madness attack, the least thus finds many of that they had stopped relations and conversations with me, but never judged this, in this world does not know as they can accuse a so honest person as I, never stole or estorvei a person, never I had contradictory wills, and still thus judge without any circumstances that I am desregulada, that simply I am weak and that I do not have nothing of cabível…. - Not subjects! - The king Affirmed exactly, fearing proper it that it was witch, witch or that had part with the demon. - I will make what its will be to my reach to resolucionar this in case that, now I cannot expend my time more than, I must continue to the other reign, pass well, and come tomorrow to my castle exactly. - Clearly, mine Sir king, I will be here, perhaps therefore olvidado in the same castle has alive you that you. - Yes, yes… Of this already wise person. - Retrucou the king completely without favour for the mistake, already turning the face the one its assistant, insinuating that this already would have very to have prepared the horse. - Clearly that already my beloved was cliente of this fact, I only made this burlesque, satirical, comic and funny parody, to see if the senhorita noticed something of stranger, and in case it noticed it would be a vehement signal of that your thoughts condiziam with normality. - Thus the king got away with exempted promptness of this error. - Clearly, everything makes sensible. - The satisfied maiden Said extremely, and already less estorvada. - You see? I am so normal as any another one… - Well… If you grant the permission to me I must hurry me. Thus the king was to decide its businesses of magnate, treated itself business-oriented relative to the cattle, church, hay and plantations. The advantages that had been with the presumption another trader had been changed by a valuable alliance, resource that its kingdom to the impropérios of one future one would protect and scandalous war enters the kingdoms of those small farms. Had to the fact of that there lugarejo was not too much distant it occurred the same that in day, in the period of the night was the king in return to its sumptuous castle. Extremely satisfied it asked for that magnificente was served one to manjar, and was to sleep. In the other day room was arisen of supetão pis hears not one but many booms come from the door if its great gorgeous e. - More than rays it happens in this castle? I almost do not have calmness! It seems plus a hell that the house of the king blessed for the designs of ours santíssimo reverendo… - Then the king said a series of impropérios while he was dressed enfadado with the occurrence that had curiously not ceased to occur.
- My king, has a desperate woman wanting to say something to it of important vigor, says it who the question is of so great importance that the things of the land nor the subjects of the sky can equalize it the pressing quarrel that it aims at to direct to it. - But that disrespect! - The king Blasphemed, extremely infuriated with that employee, who according to its opinion was a vagabond, ignorant and ignominioso that did not have nor its respect nor its consideration. - You did not notice something of stranger in it? It did not perceive that she is an insane person? - I distrusted Sir… - The poor person Retorted, noticing yes the random of the king who does not like you are welcome that it says, and mainly with the thundering way as despertara to digníssimo commander. - But he is that it spoke with such veracity that desired much speech to it, and that also it had marked a meeting with Mr. Yes, he said that its name is Daisy, is for certain a sufficiently peculiar person, one of these bourgeois ones, I do not know if he lives in our castle, but it is fact that he desires with great urgency to speak to it. - Clearly that it lives here, daisy is a nobleman of great requinte and distinction. - The king Said, as if always, in all its life, knows of this, already putting one of the arms for the face of the obedient servant and passing for the running strait with the raised nose. The helping poor person was stops backwards, total disfigured for the discrepancy that the king, to who it very venerated, transmitted it. The king, the wide steps crossed the causeway, did not want more to lose time with that, when then finally he arrived in the great hall saw that pretty maiden seated in one of the gorgeous ones decorated bought ebony chairs to the much time of a eastern merchant, by the way for a sufficiently salty price, but the king if did not matter with this since when it made the acquisition of this product conceived that the artistic value was inconceivable, simply was not possible to stipulate, but as it does not come this to the case at this moment we must with rapidity return to the nevrálgico subject of this story…. Arriving then the king at the hall, it to the woman looked at empertigado, to the daisy, while it with one to look at confused wise person who to say, only pronounced something when it did not comment a good day or something similar. - The light mine Sir! I see light for all the sides and I do not obtain to contain itself. What! they will be these things? Me it seems a tunnel or something similar. - Lights all see, my beloved Daisy! It has light in the sun, the moon, the candles made use in the candelabra and archotes absorbed in beberagens. - Not! Are colored lights, luminous points of all the colors. Yes! It is this…. For they call me to this insane person in this land of ímpios. Ó, but that crueler pain, I will not have pacification exactly. Will be you that you say you will be able me what! is that it passes with me? - Daisy, please - the king with good will strengthened, appealing to the other of those magnificent chairs while it sat down its front. - You will not perhaps have deceived you? Will not be these lights as all the others? For an assumption I believe it has that you to have committed an accurate deceit. - Not my king. - It Said with distresses in the feições. - The world is not conduido by assumptions. We must only in them abide by the real facts such as they are, the assumptions for certain are demonic imaginations that the sorcerers only dare to place in validity. - Perhaps it has expressed me wrong. - The king only Spoke to calm its spirit and to reconcile the tone of the colloquy - You said me yesterday that they say for that eres insane person there? - Yes it is everything what they say, my king. But what! is madness senão the divergence of ideas? King then was without to know what to answer, since rank agreed fully to its, and after brief moment of silence only looked at it of esguelha, since it had created an extremely inconvenient distraction at that moment, that was exactly treated to tap with the fingers in its leg a sufficiently interesting song, according to its opinion. What empertigada Daisy left, and it after these brief moments supporting plus such gesture of the king did not retort again, with a tone of insistent anguish and melancholic hallucination: - I have to decide these enigmas my king, in case to find something that me can serve yearning for your words. - I do not have, my face, at the moment many elocubrações to say, could only pronounce vacant opinions regarding these its ideas… - They are not ideas. - Opposed Daisy Intervened sufficiently, while it caught all rendado a black fan and in afoita and frantic way it started to abanar its pretty and ingenuous face - they are not ideas mine Sir, the ideas are in the mind, and what I see, I see with the eyes is real, is real… They are sufficiently peculiar lights knows? They seem… With any thing that never it had seen until then. A newness, yes this: a newness. - They are certain of that they are not only ideas? It is that in the last times I walked thinking sufficient on the subject and arrived at the conclusion of that the ideas are so real how much any another thing that can be seeing and that theoretically it is exterior with regard to our being, I find exactly that the ideas are not only what a reality is assigned for creativity but yes. - The king Spoke with great connotation, when he noticed that closer subject if fit to its divagares. - Therefore he sees well: The proper word creativity, is of if conceiving that it is the activity that creates. Therefore then what it is created it is real. If then I have one creates of younglings of cachorrinho are they fed and very real servant, livings creature, beauties, good. Thus it is viable to correlate that what we create, the creativity for certain, is a reality therefore already was created. - But what! it wants to say this? Perhaps what I see: these strange lights and tunnels are real? - Daisy discrediting of its proper beliefs Spoke. - Clearly, clearly. - The king Clarified, with superiority airs. - My friend Sees well: from the moment where we create an idea will be it a part of our reality, and for certain something real, exactly that its beginning if has proceeded in the field of the ideas and not in the exterior field to the being.
- It knows, my king, I find that it explains me everything to you in sufficiently singular way. - The respectful woman Said gladly and. - But for times I have difficulty in assimilating these ideas, therefore that thus it is! I do not want to know happens frequently of the details, min is enough to know the truth to me, therefore this will be only one. It is not? - Clearly that yes! The reality has of being one and not more, also I scared myself ahead of your prodigious affirmation: Madness is only the difference of ideas, so true how much it is the proper life. But as for this different and colored light would say that, according to my theory is something that for certain for being or having been come from its creative imagination, what it can however also be called hallucination, in our world and in our time still inexists this conception, for this reason I cannot affirm to be about this, what for certain it would believe if our technology and science allowed, me as this reality is about a story ambientado in a place of most distant and in a time of most remote not yet I am apt to conclude disgnostic of such prodigalidades (and I will never be, therefore the story will be finished before the 500 generations are transferred necessary of my dynasty). Hilaridades to the part, I would say for certain that if he cannot be hallucination or it is external or internal reality, being that when is internal it does not leave of being external. - What do you mean? - A bread piece Asked to Daisy naive catching in daring way, of a table where they were made use a series of dainties of the coffee of the real morning. - Well… - Elocubrou the king, while it assented with the periculosa and risky audacity of the woman in usurping real food. - I will explain to it with the biggest good will, inside of my capacities is clearly…. errr… - It Said dissimulating simplicity and humildade while he prepared the throat with grunhir sufficiently strange, sufficiently similar to the one horse whinnying or the one pig snoring high, sound what it scared itself and judged espalhafatoso but dissimulated not to notice the inelegant act. - What it wanted to say when said that the internal reality does not leave of being external is that the world is not as foresees for rules, but yes as we feel for ideas, sensible and illusions… Each one sees the world in distinct way, as well as said the senhorita in spontaneous way and perspicacious, thus, if each one sees the world in the way that wants and well it understands, in a distinct, peculiar way and different all then are wild, since this if understands for madness. This I said established in the rules of that each person of this, and all the other kingdoms have different moral values, of obscure belief and, variegadas ideas conceptions to the luxuriantes of the devilish ones to the angelicais, therefore the world is not alone one. I would say in the most original way that the worlds are many, and as much how much the number of people who in them live, as s each one, for seeing the world in way tranformasse diverse it in a vein of this. He has as many veins that we seem then to live in a infindável interlaced thing of veins, being that the blood that runs for all they is the same: the essence of the world! - It wants to say you, respectable king… - Daisy consternada with the ideas Said with which it makeed contact, and it looked for to assimilate in the measure where it received that avalanche from information, at the same time that it caught a gorgeous wild apple sample of a hamper of silver, and immediately afterwards it felt in its meat lips its candies and sussurantes ridges. - It wants to say that the essence is alone one same one to weigh of all to be wild, of all to have different visões of world the same? - It is… - It tried to conclude with difficulty the king, take fancying itself of the maiden when it noticed finally that it was of gorgeous feições, with shining blue eyes as the soul purer than can have seen in the county, thus almost without knowing what to speak, it contemplated while it mumbled. - He is exactly this that I tried to say, that the worlds are many, but that a true essence only runs for them, I am alone a blood that runs for our body, but it for certain irrigates so different agencies how many they are the eagle of the lark. - He concluded finally in an anatomical and zoological tone, admired for its proper affirmation and supposedly for the brightness that he saw emanated of that gorgeous woman… Daisy in that moment nothing answered, only admired for to conclude simplicity of that ideas, but at the same time depth absorbed of of same, continued then to eat that gorgeous, refined and requintadas iguarias, together with king, that at this moment was rubro, with look bashful and smile forced, therefore was this just moment that if felt envolto in a mística passion, that elapsed later in a marriage of extraordinary ratios, with the admirable parties most respectable and, in which was invited beyond the families noblest of the community proper populacho. While to the war previously cited, this did not occur, deflagrando only in a bluff that fifth category, what tragically it reed-echo to the king in an inevitable one loses of many equitares and many heads of cattle without having if used to advantage duly of the valuable renderings of services of the army that if prostrara to it due to alliance made with the other county. But as in the life if it does not know to the certain o destination of all the things was of if esteem the joy that the king had in pronouncing a phrase sufficiently known, taken to the posterity for its condescending ones, and fixed predictively in annals of the most laborious rules of the castle: - More valley to love to the disparity of the life that waiting to the caustic and inexistent war!

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